Hi everyone! I’m back! Thank you for bearing with me during my brief absence. I still have plenty of books to talk about. My summer reading pile is pretty exciting and eclectic this time around. I like to branch out and buy books on a whim. Variety is the spice of life, you know? I’ve been waiting to talk about this particular book for a while, though. It’s time to talk about Night Film by Marisha Pessl.

Content Warning: Violence, Disturbing Imagery, Substance Abuse, Harsh Language, Self – Harm

Scott McGrath has spent most of his career chasing down Stanislas Cordova, a mysterious and controversial film director who had seemingly disappeared. McGrath gives up on the search for Cordova after the investigation nearly ends his career. He’s pulled back into his investigation when Cordova’s daughter, Ashley, is found dead. Her death is ruled a suicide but McGrath thinks that there is more to her death than meets the eye. With the help of unlikely friends, Scott McGrath is dives back into the twisted and bizarre world of Stanislas Cordova, where he might finally come face to face with the man who ruined his life.

Night Film is a fantastic mystery-thriller that was unputdownable. My favorite aspect of the book was that is used mixed media, like articles and websites, as part of the story. It helped heighten the mystery and I looked forward to those sections of the book because they were so creative. This is a longer book but it’s pretty fast-paced. Night Film hits the most important story beats that any good mystery should have. It didn’t rely heavily on gore or shock but there was enough there to make you keep guessing what was actually happening. Since this is a mystery novel, I am not going to spoil this for you. Go experience the fun thrills of Night Film for yourself.

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